The Ten Golden Rules of PCB Design

          The Ten Golden Rules of PCB Design

  1. Select the correct grid - set and always use the grid spacing that matches the most components. While multigrids seem to be a significant utility, engineers can avoid the pitfalls of spacing setups and maximize board use if they can think much more early in the PCB layout design. Since many devices are available in a variety of package sizes, the engineer should use the product most suitable for their own design. In addition, polygons are critical for circuit board deposition. Multigrid boards typically produce polygonal fill bias during polygonal copper plating, although not as standard on a single grid, but provide board life beyond the required board life .

2.Keep the path shortest and most direct. This sounds simple, but should be kept in mind at every stage, even if it means changing the board layout to optimize the wiring length. This is especially true for analog and high-speed digital circuits where system performance is always limited in part by impedance and parasitics.

3.Use the power planes as much as possible to manage the distribution of power lines and ground. Power supply layer copper for most of the PCB design software is faster and simpler an option. By connecting a large number of wires in common, it is possible to provide the most efficient current with minimal impedance or voltage drop while providing a sufficient ground return path. If possible, you can run multiple power lines in the same area of the board to verify that the ground plane covers most of a layer of a PCB, which facilitates the interaction between running lines on adjacent layers.

4.The associated elements are grouped together with the required test points.

5.The required circuit board is duplicated on another larger circuit board several times for PCB imposition. Choosing the size that best fits the manufacturer's equipment helps reduce prototyping and manufacturing costs

6.Integrate component values

7.Perform design rule checking (DRC) as much as possible. Although running DRC on PCB software can take a very short time, it's a good practice to keep it in a more complex design environment, as long as you can save a lot of time by performing the checks throughout the design process.

8.Flexible use of screen printing

9.Decoupling capacitors must be selected.

10.Generate PCB manufacturing parameters and verify before submitting for production
